2010. június 19., szombat

Shelly's Buttons

Meseszép gombokat vásároltunk a barátnőjeimmel, amelyek már meg is érkeztek.
We bought these beautiful Shelly's Buttons with my girlfriends.

2010. június 18., péntek

Needle Necessities Threads

A héten kaptam ezeket a csodaszép fonalakat is.

This week I have received these beautiful threads,too.

My new Stash 

Ma reggel csengetett a postás és ezeket a szépségeket kaptam USA-ból.

Today I have received a parcel from USA.

2010. június 17., csütörtök

Hímzéseim 2000-2009.
My finished works

                                  Eva Rosenstand 14-156

                       Mouse Boy-Maria Scharrenberg 29835

                                    Siberian Husky baby

                         Tatty Teddy TT 103 Baby Powder

RICO Design
  (My finished works)

                             Easter chickens-RICO design

                         Snowman and Santa-RICO design

  (My finished works)

                                       Permin 70-3166

                                     Permin 12-3353

 (My finished works)


 Garden Flowers

  (My finished works)

                          Watering Can Tulips-Daydreams

                                   Watering can-Stone Path


(My finished works)

                           Seraphina-Arriving for the Party

                              Seraphina-Flying the Kite

                             Seraphina-Skipping in the Rain

Country Companions 
(My finished works)

                    Country Companions-Birthday Treat

                       Country Companions-Especially For You

                              Country Companions-To You!

                           Country Companions coaster